Hi I'm Nikki. My Destiny Started in 2020, Forever living in Activewear but sick of the animal fur, the front seams just not sitting right, CONSTANTLY pulling them out of places leggings shouldnt be & not to mention the price tag!


After a crappy week at work - We've all been there, followed by a run to clear my head. I had come home, looked in the mirror and I noticed my leggings were enhancing all the wrong features if you catch my drift & these were $80 leggings! As I head to the shower (where all my brain storming magic happpens) I knew what My Destiny Was - ACTIVEWEAR!


From May 2020 Untill October 2021, I spend thousands on Samples from different manufacturers, what length and waistband measurements worked the best, adding gussets to draw the tension down to the knee and what felt like a million different fabrics, rubbing them all against my dogs to see what materials fur/fluff wouldnt stick too (Come to think of it my partner probably thought i was a crazy women coming home to see me rubbing my samples on the dogs) . FINALLY I found the one. This is when the Supremacy Leggings were born.


October 2021 I ordered my first bulk order for the Supremacy Leggings & the Infinite Sports Bras. I was soooo nervous. This cost me thousands and not 1 guarantee of a sale. No one knew who My Destiny was, but i knew I needed to push myself & how could anyone not love the quality for no where near the $80 price tag,


Towards the end of Novemeber 2021 they finally arrive! These 3 boxes pictured contains my future - MY DESTINY!

Since then I have created Sports Bra's that have been featured in 2 x Winning Womens Muay-Thai Fights, bike shorts, Jumpers, more leggings & more Sports Bras! The positive feedback & word of mouth has been so amazing, I am truly greatful for all the support along the way & this is only the Beginning!

October 21, 2022 — Nikki Brown